
[特点 Features] 汾酒20年以悠久的历史文化驰名,更以精湛的质量和独特的风格夺魁。采用无污染的优质高粱、大麦、豌豆,如此好原料加上杏花村汾酒人精心酿造。工艺精湛,源远流长,素以入口绵、落口甜、饮后余香、回味悠长特色而著称。
Famous for its long history and culture, and aced with its superb quality and unique style. Using non-polluting high-quality sorghum, barley, and garden peas, such good raw materials were carefully brewed with.

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[特点 Features] 汾酒30年青花瓷的瓶身采用了中国传统的青花瓷风格,以汾字为主体,写满了各种字体的酒字,从汉字发展的角度阐释了汾酒的历史悠久。名酒名瓷古朴,典雅,相映成辉。汾酒30年青花瓷实为国粹,瓷酒文化相结合的经典之作。
The 30-year-old blue and white porcelain of Fenjiu adopts the traditional Chinese blue and white porcelain style. It takes “Fen” as the main body and is filled with “Wine” characters in various fonts.

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